American Mirrors & The Echoes of Empire: The historical record & the Rockefellers’ campaign against Peter Lougheed in Alberta

Coda to the 6-part series Alberta’s Rockefeller Coups Regan Boychuk Since a small and relatively weak people living alongside a great and powerful people necessarily devotes much time to study and observation of its large neighbour, Canadians probably understand Americans better than Americans understand Canadians. This situation has its dangers. (Round Table 1941bp. 353) The act […]

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Bichler & Nitzan, ‘The Road to Gaza, Part II: The Capitalization of Everything’

Abstract Our recent article on ‘The Road to Gaza’ examined the history of the three supreme-God churches and the growing role of their militias in armed conflicts and wars around the world. The present paper situates these militia wars in the broader vista of the capitalist mode of power. Focusing specifically on the Middle East, […]

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Mouré, ‘Consolidation and Crisis in the US Banking Sector 1980-2022’

Abstract Much of the economic analysis of banking crises focuses on the interplay between concentration and stability. A common theory is that concentration is associated with greater stability, whereas competition is associated with instability. In this view, there is a trade-off between, on the one hand, the higher prices and higher profits associated with a […]

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Mouré, ‘A Critical Review of Sandy Brian Hager’s Public Debt, Inequality, and Power

Abstract Hager’s project examines the historical development of US public debt ownership and its political implications. His main innovation is to approach the topic from the perspective of disaggregated social class and frame questions of public debt ownership in terms of social inequality and power. He tackles four questions: who are the owners of the […]

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