What’s New
Abstract This study examines the declining usage lifespan of household consumer durables in the United States between 1970 and 2018, situating the phenomenon within a heterodox political economy framework. While mainstream economic narratives attribute the …
Abstract El 3 de diciembre de 2024, Michael Hudson se reunió con los investigadores del capital como poder Jonathan Nitzan, Tim Di Muzio y Blair Fix para discutir las intersecciones entre sus dos líneas de …
Capital as Power in the 21st Century A Conversation MICHAEL HUDSON, JONATHAN NITZAN, TIM DI MUZIO, and BLAIR FIX February 2025 Abstract On December 3, 2024, Michael Hudson met with capital-as-power researchers Jonathan Nitzan, Tim …
Abstract Our recent article on ‘The Road to Gaza’ examined the history of the three supreme-God churches and the growing role of their militias in armed conflicts and wars around the world. The present paper …
Abstract The concepts of rentiership and intellectual monopoly have gained increased prominence in discussions about the transformation of global capitalism in recent years. However, there have been few if any attempts to construct measures for …
Abstract In the face of the impending climate emergency, an anonymous manifesto surfaces online by the mysterious El Grillo declaring a war on cars. As the manifesto spreads around the world, activists from all over …
Review of Capital as Power (RECASP)
Capital as Power in the 21st Century A Conversation MICHAEL HUDSON, JONATHAN NITZAN, TIM DI MUZIO, and BLAIR FIX February 2025 Abstract On December 3, 2024, Michael Hudson met with capital-as-power researchers Jonathan Nitzan, Tim …
Manuscripts Don’t Burn SHIMSHON BICHLER and JONATHAN NITZAN September 2023 Keywords censorship, ideology, marxism, neoliberalilsm, peer review, plagiarism Citation Bichler, Shimshon, and Nitzan, Jonathan. 2023. ‘Manuscripts Don’t Burn’. Review of Capital as Power, Vol. 2, …
The Capital as Power Approach An Invited-then-Rejected Interview with Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan SHIMSHON BICHLER and JONATHAN NITZAN September 2023 Keywords capital accumulation, capitalization, interview, Marxism, modes of power, stagflation, systemic fear, value theory …
The Business of Strategic Sabotage SHIMSHON BICHLER and JONATHAN NITZAN January 2023 Abstract In a recent article, Nicolas D. Villarreal claims that our empirical analysis of the relation between business power and industrial sabotage in …
Pensions and Power The Political and Market Dynamics of Public Pension Plans ERALD KOLASI June 2022 Abstract This paper uses the theory of ‘capital as power’ to analyze the struggle over public pensions in the …
Costly Efficiencies Healthcare Spending, COVID-19, and the Public/Private Healthcare Debate CHRIS MOURÉ May 2022 Abstract Proponents of private healthcare often claim that the private sector is more ‘efficient’ at delivering healthcare services. This paper tests …
Coda to the 6-part series Alberta’s Rockefeller Coups Regan Boychuk Since a small and relatively weak people living alongside a great and powerful people necessarily devotes much time to study and observation of its large …
Originally published at sbhager.com Sandy Brian Hager Reading in the latest FT Weekend about NovoNordisk’s recent moves to corner the market for weight loss drugs, I was reminded of an eye-opening article from Rana Foroohar …
Originally published at notes on cinema James McMahon This paper investigates the timing of labour strikes in Hollywood. The occurrence of strikes, such as the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes in 2023, can make sense when …
Regan Boychuk Author’s Note: John D. Rockefeller Sr. had the last laugh about American anti-trust law and the muck-raking media before descending to Dante’s 9th Circle in May 1937. The oil industry’s center of gravity had …
Originally published at Economics from the Top Down Blair Fix A few months ago I received an intriguing email from researcher and activist Regan Boychuk. For the past 15 years, Boychuk has been studying the …
Originally published at notes on cinema James McMahon Around the time of this post, SAG-AFTRA and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) produced a tentative agreement in their 2023 negotiations. The SAG-AFTRA …
Abstract El 3 de diciembre de 2024, Michael Hudson se reunió con los investigadores del capital como poder Jonathan Nitzan, Tim Di Muzio y Blair Fix para discutir las intersecciones entre sus dos líneas de …
Abstract Our recent article on ‘The Road to Gaza’ examined the history of the three supreme-God churches and the growing role of their militias in armed conflicts and wars around the world. The present paper …
Abstract The concepts of rentiership and intellectual monopoly have gained increased prominence in discussions about the transformation of global capitalism in recent years. However, there have been few if any attempts to construct measures for …
Abstract In the face of the impending climate emergency, an anonymous manifesto surfaces online by the mysterious El Grillo declaring a war on cars. As the manifesto spreads around the world, activists from all over …
Abstract מלחמת הקודש המתנהלת בין המיליציות הרבניות לבין המיליציות האיסלמיות הינה מסוג חדש. אבל הדרך למלחמה בעזה נסללה עוד לפני כששת אלפים שנה, בעת שקמו לראשונה משטרי המלוכה-כהונה במסופוטמיה. אוליגרכיות אלה היו הראשונות שיצקו תשלובת …
Abstract One of the most important and recurring debates in the field of International Political Economy and international affairs are the links between capitalism, fossil fuel energy and climate change. In these debates, the origins …
Working Papers on Capital as Power
Abstract This study examines the declining usage lifespan of household consumer durables in the United States between 1970 and 2018, situating the phenomenon within a heterodox political economy framework. While mainstream economic narratives attribute the …
Abstract Our recent article on ‘The Road to Gaza’ examined the history of the three supreme-God churches and the growing role of their militias in armed conflicts and wars around the world. The present paper …
Abstract Much of the economic analysis of banking crises focuses on the interplay between concentration and stability. A common theory is that concentration is associated with greater stability, whereas competition is associated with instability. In …
Abstract Hager’s project examines the historical development of US public debt ownership and its political implications. His main innovation is to approach the topic from the perspective of disaggregated social class and frame questions of …
Abstract The war that started in 2023 between Hamas and Israel is driven by various long-lasting processes, but it also brings to the fore a new cause that hitherto seemed marginal: the armed militias of …
Abstract The 2023 war between Hamas and Israel elicits many different explanations. As with previous regional hostilities, here too, the pundits and commentators have numerous overlapping processes to draw on – from the struggle between …
Jonathan Nitzan
max gr wrote:An empirical rather than analytical observation, right? I think a bit of both. 1. Replacement cost is based on prices of newly produced capital goods. Unlike the prices of existing capital goods, which …
max gr
Jonathan Nitzan wrote:which tends to have a positive effect on the replacement cost of the capital stock and a negative impact on corporate capitalization. An empirical rather than analytical observation, right? Since, in principle, inflation …
Jonathan Nitzan
Thank you for the thoughtful comments, Max. Here are three observations. 1. Our figure uses replacement cost because, in principle, this is what national-account statisticians use to impute the ‘real capital stock’ (= replacement cost …
max gr
Jonathan Nitzan wrote:While this statement may be theoretically correct, it is NOT what we want to say. I understand the point as it is an important part of an ordered presentation directed for the general …
Jonathan Nitzan
max gr wrote:“…the real capital stock, which political economists see as the beginning and end of capitalism, has nothing to do with (tangible) book value, which is the sole god of heterodox, anti-finance, economists.” While …
max gr
OK, so following on the above qoute from Hudson (which seems to suggest he is dependent on book value to represent “cost value”) — it would be valid to rephrase one of your subsequent paragraphs …
Bichler & Nitzan Archives
- ‘National Champions’ in Global Meat Supply Chains: Implications for Governance and Corporate Power in Food Systemson March 22, 2025
‘National Champions’ in Global Meat Supply Chains: Implications for Governance and Corporate Power in Food Systems Sievert, Katherine and Howard, Philip H. and San Martim Portes, Alexandre and Yamaoka, Marina. (2025). The Journal of Peasant Studies. No. OnlineFirst. March. pp. 1-27. (Article - Journal; English).
- Earning Through Obsolescence. An Examination of Falling Household Durables Usage Lifespans in the United States 1970–2018on March 7, 2025
Earning Through Obsolescence. An Examination of Falling Household Durables Usage Lifespans in the United States 1970–2018 Dillon, Sean. (2025). Working Papers on Capital as Power. No. 2025/01. March. pp. 1-15. (Article - Working Paper; English).
- El capital como poder en el siglo XXI: Una conversaciónon February 27, 2025
El capital como poder en el siglo XXI: Una conversación Hudson, Michael and Nitzan, Jonathan and Di Muzio, Tim and Fix, Blair. (2025). Traducido por Carlos Valmaseda. February. pp. 1-35. (Article - Monograph; Spanish).
- Capital as Power in the 21st Century. A Conversationon February 24, 2025
Capital as Power in the 21st Century. A Conversation Hudson, Michael and Nitzan, Jonathan and Di Muzio, Tim and Fix, Blair. (2025). Review of Capital as Power. Vol. 2. No. 3. February. pp. 190-228. (Article - Journal; English).
- Partisan Politics and the Road to Plutocracyon February 1, 2025
Partisan Politics and the Road to Plutocracy Fix, Blair. (2025). Economics from the Top Down. 31 January. pp. 1-71. (Article - Magazine; English).
- נסיכי הנפט מול קואליציית ההיי-טק (The Oil Princes versus the High-Tech Coalition)on December 21, 2024
נסיכי הנפט מול קואליציית ההיי-טק (The Oil Princes versus the High-Tech Coalition) Adiv, Udi. (2024). Zo HaDerekh. 18 December. p. 8. (Review; Hebrew).