Home Forum Community Do grumpy, cynical political economists wish each other Happy New Year?

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  • #245168

      If YES: Happy New Year, to everyone who reads this site! 2020 has been a very rough year. The world will likely be crazy in 2021, but I hope each reader is safe and happy at a personal level.

      If NO: capitalism, power, repression, etc., etc.

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by jmc.
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      • #245170

          For safer browsing in 2021, uninstall Abobe Flash Player, as Adobe will not longer be updating for security. Adobe’s page. An updated browser (Firefox, Chrome, …) will also block Flash.

          Ahh, memories of Flash. For those who know:

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by jmc.
        • #245172

          My cat Daisy, who was an honourary member of Professor Nitzan’s POLS 4292 class this term, and I wish a happy new years to yourself jmc and everyone here on the CaSP forum. I hope that everyone is safe and well in spite of the economic uncertainty and the second wave hitting Canada and that everyone celebrates responsibly!

          I myself feel lucky to have made it through 2020 despite working full time at multiple jobs throughout the year. It’s a reminder that a lot of people were not lucky to make it through this year. Like Picard said, it is possible to do everything right and still fail. I hope our government gets its act together to help those who can do little to help themselves and that people start taking this pandemic seriously.

          All the best to you and your family!

        • #245174

            All the best to you as well, vbozic. If you don’t mind sharing, how did you find POLS 4292? I took Jonathan’s grad-level course years ago, but the 4th year course is very similar.

            • #245175

              I found the course very interesting, but difficult. By the end it was clear that I had a lot more to learn. But I suppose that is the effect of good courses with good professors.

              • #245176

                  I remember being overwhelmed while I was taking the course. My academic background made me a novice on multiple aspects of the research that was required. Keep fueling that curiosity to learn more–in whatever capacity–because who knows what can come from your explorations. After finally getting more comfortable with empirical work, I was energized from knowing that I had skills to see if evidence supported claims in political economy (to the best of my abilities and availability of data).

                • #245177

                  I am relieved to hear that others are or have been in the same position as me. I am apply to York’s MA program in political science and I’m looking forward to exploring CaSP and engaging in more empirical work.

            • #245180

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