Propertization: The Process by which Financial Corporate Power has Risen and Collapsed

Propertization The Process by which Financial Corporate Power has Risen and Collapsed JONGCHUL KIM September 2018 Abstract Elsewhere I argue that the legal concept of property was created in the image of money in the late Roman Republic. Since then, the division of property and contract has been an underlying structure of Western law. The […]

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Theory and Praxis, Theory and Practice, Practical Theory

Theory and Praxis, Theory and Practice, Practical Theory CORENTIN DEBAILLEUL, SHIMSHON BICHLER and JONATHAN NITZAN April 2018 Abstract In their paper ‘The CasP Project: Past, Present and Future’, Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan invite readers to engage critically with their theoretical framework, known as capital as power (CasP). This call for further research, reactions and […]

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Guillem, ‘Análisis de conflictos y Relaciones Internacionales, una elaboración teórica de Sociología del Poder. Causas de la Guerra del Líbano de 2006’

Abstract SPANISH Si observamos la literatura sobre la Guerra del Líbano del 2006, llama la atención la ausencia de un marco teórico claro en la mayoría de los análisis. Igualmente se perciben notables discrepancias en algo tan básico como las causas de la guerra y encontramos destacadas diferencias en la explicación de la conducta de […]

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